Sponsorship Procedure


Along with the support of SICAP’s growing membership, the SICAP serves its members and surrounding Business Community in creating an environment wherein we can all prosper. We are politically nonpartisan and are going to be one of the largest and most active Professional Societies within our community in BC. We are dedicated to the growth and prosperity of our Community.

Why consider Sponsorship?

  • Get recognized as a sponsor and be thanked and acknowledged at each seminar 
  • Speak or make opening remarks at our events
  • Promoting your Business
  • Making special offers available to your customers via the SICAP 
  • Event sponsorship opportunities
  • SICAP Web Site listing 
  • Receive business referrals 
  • Listing in Membership Directory 
  • Member to Member Discount Directory 
  • Use of SICAP logo for your advertising

SICAP recognizes sponsorship in two ways: Monetary and Services Sponsorship

  • Monetary Sponsorship:

SICAP recognizes sponsorship at 4 major levels: 1) Platinum ($1000 and up) 2) Gold ($500 to $1000) 3) Silver ($200 to $499) 4) Bronze (up to $199)
In-kind sponsorships are also greatly appreciated and are valued in the same way as monetary contributions.
All sponsorships will be recognized for one year after a contribution is made. Returning Sponsors will be mentioned at the beginning of each list of sponsors.
All sponsors will receive the following recognition:

  •  Recognition of sponsorship on the SICAP website
  •  Recognition of sponsorship in SICAP to be published newsletter and a copy of the newsletter
  •  An invitation to all SICAP events

Sponsors at Platinum, Gold and Silver level are recognized in the following manner:

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsors will receive all Bronze recognitions plus:

  •  Logo on the banner (displayed at all SICAP events). Electronic copy of the high definition logo is needed to be emailed to MC@Sicap.com.
  •  Recognized as a sponsor and be thanked and acknowledged at each seminar


Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsors will receive all Silver recognitions plus:

  •  Link to corporate website from the SICAP website

Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors will receive all Gold recognitions plus:

  •  5 years membership fee will be waived for the representative of the sponsor
  • To speak or make opening remarks at seminars


  • Services Sponsorship:

SICAP recognizes businesses who want to contribute into SICAP by providing services to SICAP’s members. SICAP will provide the following opportunities: 

  • SICAP Web Site listing 
  • Receive business referrals
  • Member to Member Discount Directory 


How to apply:
1- Download the Sponsorship Application Form from here. (Attached)

  • Monetary Sponsorship: If you are willing to just being a sponsor by paying money to SICAP please SKIP part B and C and fill out part D.
  • Services Sponsorship: If you are willing to be a sponsor by providing services to SICAP and its members or both ways of sponsorship, Monetary and Services Sponsorship, please fill out all parts and sign the sponsorship agreement.

                For more information about our current Sponsors, please go to this links :
SICAP Monetary Sponsors
SICAP Services Sponsors                                                                                                                                       
2- Read and Sign the Sponsorship agreement. The sponsorship form and agreement should be filled and signed by the Owner or Authorized representative of the Organization, business, etc...
3- Completed application including Sponsorship amount in cheque should be forwarded to the address indicated on the form, or submitted online or in person to the Membership Committee at SICAP

What is next? (Evaluation Process)

  • The Membership Committee of SICAP reviews the application to ensure the candidate meets the requirement of SICAP Sponsorship criteria. Sponsorship of events and individuals shall be limited to activities that adhere to SICAP’s Vision and Goals, and will be decided by the Board on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the current budget, unless otherwise indicated in the Policies. 
  • The committee recommends the applicant to the board of SICAP for their approval.
  • The board of directors reviews the membership committee report on the applicant and makes decision on the applicant’s request to become a sponsor of the organization.
  • In case an application is rejected, the sponsorship amount is fully refundable.
Membership Fee